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AYEEEEEEEEE! if anyone here is going to the last game vs padres, my sister is getting proposed to there(:

her boyfriend is surprising her and he talked to the giants people and stuff and hes gonna be "randomly" chosen to do the hat flip game on the big screen, and the last one will have the ring under it (:

if ur going please video and post ittttttttt
Welcome newbie!!!! Glad you could post.
Wow, who let Ponch out.

I hope it is a great time and that she says yes.
Originally posted by BigRon:
Wow, who let Ponch out.

I hope it is a great time and that she says yes.

Oh man, can you imagine the pain on the big screen if the answer was no? That would hurt any Giant fan.
who let me out? :(

and i know right.. but theyre really good together and never argue and stuff.. she better say yes lol

for $160 bucks a ticket for me my sis him and his best friend.. she better say ya lol
That's pretty cool! Congrats to them.
As long as they are both Giant fans, I approve of the marriage.
Originally posted by sf1giantfan:
As long as they are both Giant fans, I approve of the marriage.

Hmmmm never argue though?

1st one is gonna be a doozy.

I would say congrats but it's a couple days away and that would be too presumptuous of me.

ya both fansss. he never was really into them until she got him into it lol now theyre both all into it (:

and i mean that have little hissy fits over stupid stuff but never like yelling or cussing or anythingggg

and ya im so excited (:
So excited for the game tomarrow!! could be the most exciting game everrrr. (Except the niners giants playoffs in 2002 .. my first and only niner game)
She said yes, right?

If she did, it would be perfect for them both.
Originally posted by sf1giantfan:
If she did, it would be perfect for them both.

Woulda been better if it was the World Series.

But just think, if we get there she'll have something to tell their Granchilluns.

So did it happen?
yaya it happened!!