There are 8 users in the forums

Starting my website

So I decided im going to start a website.. all bay area news and blogs..

Im working on it, putting a forum in it soon. I had 1 article up and then i got some hits so i quickly wrote 2 last night. Was wondering if anyone had any advice. Im all new to this and can use all the help. Please be gentle

ill post the link again if someone wants to see it.. jus so its not like im spamminggg
My story of meeting Brandon Belt
Nice story.
Thanks man :)

is that you that added me on FB?
I just got 15,000 + hits yesterday... I started writing about all the Free Agency stuff.. im so excited :) my first big day !
Had 11,000+ the 2 days after the 15,000 :D
Originally posted by Poncho707:
Thanks man :)

is that you that added me on FB?

yes I did...
Originally posted by BigRon:
yes I did...

well dont start poking me...
Launching in September 2015

Originally posted by dobophile:
Launching in September 2015