Screenings include:

• Total Cholesterol Levels • Blood Pressure • Bone Density

• Glucose Levels • Waist Circumference • Body Mass Index

I went today cause it was free and I don't have insurance so I thought why not get some free tests.

You tell them some information, sign your name twice then go into the air conditioned bus. You go to 3 areas, 1 is a prick on the finger for glucose, other is blood pressure test then they measure your waist and BMI, last one is a bone density test, you put your foot on this thing and it squeezes your heel a little. Then they call your number and give you a breakdown of everything and what everything should be, you then get a free BPA free water bottle that has lotion, tissue (mini masturbation kit?) also a pill holder and crayons (don't know why) inside of it.

Took maybe 20 minutes total, was a good experience, link has schedule and locations